The new year break was extremely busy with a week spent in Melbourne - whi
ch was made better by the fact that our Red Premium seats on the Overland were paid for by GSR as thanks for me allowing them to use some of my photos to advertise this years Southern Spirit tour programme - and amazingly, they were found from this blog!

The Melbourne trip involved alot of train travel, with a trip to Geelong behind N457, a V/Locity trip to Ballarat and of course a trip to Belgrave on Puffing Billy - photos of this trip can be found on my flickr page ( I also had the pleasure of viewing Seymour Rail Heritage Centre's "Fireworks Express" at Southern Cross station on New Years Eve, hauled by restored heritage EMD's B74 and S303 - along with the societies collection of restored Spirit of Progress S cars, and the Parlor car on the rear.
On our return to Adelaide, we moved into our new home in the North-Eastern suburbs of Adelaide, and have subsequently spent the last month and a half fixing those things that Sarah continually finds! But, now there is a big but here... I do finally have a layout room and attached workshop - or is that a layout room, workshop and attached house?
Liralau was set up once we'd settled in, so without further ado, here's a couple of pics of the new room following fit out - all I need now is an air conditioner out there and it will be very comfortable at any time of the year.